
Little Trooper of the Month

Rubi Smith

June 2024

Rubi Smith lives with her Mum, Dad and three siblings in Argyllshire. Her Dad serves in the British Army and works away during the week in Edinburgh.

Rubi has enjoying singing since she was a toddler when she became a big fan of Katy Perry but when she started school in 2020 she started to experience hearing loss in one ear. Due to the pandemic, the family experienced delays in getting her tested and despite being born with no hearing problems, Rubi now has permanent, unexplained, hearing loss in her right ear. She also struggles with Glue ear and recurrent infections in her left ear which impacts her hearing.

Due to the nature of military life, Rubi has moved home and school three times since she was born, living in England and Edinburgh, and now living in Argyll. Her hearing loss has made it tough to move schools and make new friends. Because doctors hoped the hearing loss would rectify itself, she didn’t receive a hearing aid until a few weeks ago and instead relied on lip-reading in class. Despite these challenges she has continued to receive glowing school reports.

Her hearing loss also hasn’t dampened her love for singing. She has regular singing lessons with Mary-Catherine MacLean as part of Mod Academy and is learning to sing in Scottish Gaelic. Last month she competed in the local Mod and was awarded second place, even though she couldn’t hear the other contestants. Judges commented on her lovely voice and good Gaelic pronunciations.

Rubi’s Mum Anna, nominated her for the Little Trooper of the Month award, which recognises forces children who have been especially brave and resilient in the face of adversity.

Anna comments: “Growing up with her Dad in the Army and moving home and school has been tough enough at times, but although Rubi’s hearing loss has made these things more difficult for her, she has taken everything in her stride and shown huge resilience and perseverance. My heart was bursting with pride watching her compete in the singing competition as it’s a real example of how she never lets the hearing loss stand in the way of enjoying life and doing the things she wants to do. She’s also the most amazing big sister to her three siblings. We are so proud of everything she has achieved.”

Louise Fetigan, founder of Little Troopers, adds: “As soon as we heard Rubi’s story we knew that she would be our Little Trooper of the Month. Our charity’s award scheme is all about awarding children in our Armed Forces community who have been extra special. Not only has Rubi shown positivity and resilience in the face of her hearing loss but she’s done so while moving school three times and continued to keep up her passion of singing. Rubi, you are an amazing little trooper, and we hope this medal helps to show you just how brilliant you are.”

Rubi will receive a medal from Little Troopers, along with a £50 gift voucher and certificate.


Rubi Smith

Nominate a Trooper of the month!

We want to recognise Little Troopers; children with parents serving in the British Armed Forces who have been exceptionally brave, inspirational or just extra special against all odds. 

This is an opportunity to really celebrate and shine a spotlight on the lives of incredible military children, hear the special stories and give them the recognition they really deserve.

Our monthly winner will receive a special prize, certificate and lasting recognition of a customised, unique medal. We will also shout about how amazing our winners our on our website, social media and other related publications.

Nominations welcomed from Unit Welfare Offices, Community Development Workers, Schools/Nurseries and of course YOU!

If you are not the parent or guardian of the child you are nominating you must ask permission and advise them you are nominating. We will need to contact them directly to progress a nomination if successful.

Unsuccessful nominations will not be contacted.

Please upload a recent photograph we can use for certificate and hall of fame if they win:

Eligible children: ANY child with a parent or step parent currently serving with the British Army, Royal Navy or Royal Air Force; wherever they live, reserve or regular, parents married or unmarried. Children can only win once. Please only nominate one child per nomination. Children of any age can be nominated. Please ensure all the information you submit is true and correct stating if the child is a step child/has a different father or mother to serving person.